Discover what Ancient Warriors
and Navy SEAL Operators have in common..


If you follow what most men are doing in life, you will get the same results they have…

Self doubt, self sabotage, belly fat and low drive.

Confidence and testosterone levels are at an ALL TIME LOW.

Lack of purpose and mission are rampant.

But this does not need to be your story.

It’s time to step back in time..

In the Old Testament, David (future king of Israel) was being pursued by King Saul who wanted him dead. David had just come off the high of having defeated the great Philistine giant Goliath. The Israelites wanted to crown him king, everything was going great. But Saul would have none of this and directed all of his military forces to track him down and have him killed.

David fled to the mountains, hiding out in caves and living off the land. He began gathering the misfits, the outcasts, the criminals into his band of renegade warriors. “Mighty men” is how the Bible describes them in 2 Samuel 23 and 1 Chronicles 12. They were no ordinary men..”they were expert with both shield and spear, as fierce as lions and as swift as deer on the mountains.”

Jashobeam was the leader of the mighty men. He allegedly used his spear to kill 800 enemy warriors in a single battle. David’s personal bodyguard, Benaiah is another example. Described as a “valiant warrior”, his exploits include single handedly killing a lion and slaying an Egyptian warrior using his enemies own spear.

These men were the best of the best, the most elite warriors found anywhere in the world. They banded together, ultimately enabling David to defeat the Philistine army and overtake the throne of the Israelites, becoming King. His band of brothers were savages. Together they were unstoppable.

Here is the biblical description of the ancient operators of David’s team:

They were brave soldiers trained for war and skilled with the shield and spear. They looked as fierce as lions, and they could run as fast as gazelles through the mountains. 
(1 Chronicles 12:8 ERV)

These mighty men were pro operators.

It’s time to create our band of mighty men who are fierce as lions.

  • Men who will stop at nothing to achieve their purpose.
  • Men who are mission-driven.
  • Men who are ready to change the course of history.
  • Men who are tired of mediocrity.
  • Men who are savages.

It’s time to join the ranks.


Why join the brotherhood ?

Because I GET where you are at. I have EXPERIENCED wins, losses, scars and victory.

Let me explain…

Growing up I was an outcast and skinny kid. I was kicked off the football team and made fun of.

And yet I felt called to live a life of massive purpose and impact...I knew I had a long way to go.

So I decided to do something 10x, or for me it was like 20x who I was. My goal was to become a Navy SEAL.

In my mind, the SEAL teams were the modern version of “David’s Mighty Men”.

After years of training and preparation, I was pinned with the Trident in May 2008.


Over the next decade I served as a SEAL operator, working with two Tier 1 units in the Teams.

Many of the missions that I went on during my 20s required a TS clearance.


There is nothing quite like being on a Team that performs at this high level…

From the outside it looked as if I was killing it, and I quickly rose in rank and skill - becoming a sniper within my platoon.

But I was a mess.

My body was wrecked. My marriage was hanging on by a thread. I was caught in addictions. I developed health problems. I compartmentalized my life due to many close brothers dying overseas. I suffered from PTSD.

I had to make a change. I did soul searching and struggled to figure out who I truly was.

Internal battles were fought. I fought to keep my marriage. I fought to regain my health.

I made the difficult decision to leave active duty in late 2017. It was time to rebuild.


Over the past 6 years of personal struggle and growth I began to learn how important it was to take a holistic approach to training, work, education and fitness. That being a part of a true band of brothers enables us to go further, farther, together.


“He who sweats more in training bleeds less in war.”
~ Spartan Creed

Men are warriors. We protect, provide and preside. Additionally, men must have a MISSION. A mission is something you are willing to go to hell and back for. Yet most of us lack this feeling of purpose.

Most of us are lone wolves. We struggle to keep on track. We fall prey to distractions. We fail too often. We are plagued with doubts and lack confidence. We stay stoic, keeping it all to ourselves.

But that’s not how we are meant to be. We need to band together.

A band of brothers changes everything. Accountability sets warriors apart. SEALS, most of all know the importance of a team and common mission.

And that is what The Operator Pro Team is all about.

Banding together, learning together, staying accountable to each other, building each other up, just like operators in a SEAL platoon.

Here is how it works.

The Operator

Pro Team

*Monthly Membership Program


The Operator Pro Team is a monthly membership where I will be your guide and mentor.

Each week I hold group mentoring sessions designed to help you accomplish your goals in accelerated time, build leadership skills so that you can excel in your workspace, and challenge you to become the next-level version of yourself. That 10x version of you. That's what we aim for.

I will personally guide you through groundbreaking elite performance strategies and techniques that I honed in my years as a SEAL operator and as a BUD/S instructor where I led one of the most mentally greuling tests in the US military: BUD/S Pool Comp.

I will train you physically, honing your body and cutting fat using SEAL “grinder PT” sessions, run training, optional swim sessions, sandbag training, and calisthenics.


You will look and feel more confident in your home, work and with your friends as you experience 10x transformation.

I will help you develop elite performance habits and skills - fast-tracking the achievement of your goals. Helping you crush your next job interview or giving you confidence to ask your dream girl out on a date.

Through “FireTeams”  you will stay accountable to your brothers, supporting and encouraging one another each week.

I will meet you where you are at in your current level of fitness - taking you to the next level and beyond what you imagine possible. Turning you into a warrior.

The principles aren’t new. They’ve been honed and refined by years of real-world operating and elite training experience.

The way I implement them is specifically designed to help you prepare efficiently and effectively, taking a holistic approach to your preparation.

Ultimately, you will not be living as a shell of a man anymore. You will wake up and feel a renewed sense of mission, have a plan of action for each day, and move forward confidently into the life that you truly want to have.

It’s time to become a PRO.


“Rise up, warriors; take your stand at one another’s sides, your feet set wide and rooted like oaks in the ground..” ~ Tyrtaeus

What do I get when

I join the Operator Pro Team ?

  • SEAL grinder PT fitness plan designed to get you results QUICKLY - delivered via app
  • Build strength, develop endurance, and increase muscle mass through customized fitness programs modeled after SEAL operator fit tests
  • Weekly Zoom mentoring calls with former SEAL operator-BUD/S Instructor
  • Private chat with me for weekly mentoring and coaching
  • Movement screener and diet/nutrition coaching
  • Direct access to my coaching team for feedback on fitness training and form checks
  • Mental fortitude training includes cold water immersion training, breathing work, mindset techniques and mindfulness to hone a warrior mindset
  • Accountability with coaches and the community of your warrior peers through “FireTeam” chats, supporting and challenging each other to be better daily
  • Online Mighty Man Leadership Academy - teaching you leadership and teambuilding skills by SEAL operators

Each week you will be coached by a former Navy SEAL on elite performance tactics, leadership, accountability, fitness and mindset development. Your body and mind will be able to handle *any* challenge or obstacle - just like SEAL operators.

Master your fitness through strength and conditioning - the Navy SEAL way!

Build true inner confidence - enabling you to crush any challenge or obstacle.

Be a better leader at home and in the workplace.

Set and actually achieve the biggest goals that you have for yourself.

Level up in every category of your life.


“A lot of “buy my program” products are worthless and a waste of time, energy and money but this program is genuinely worth everything. Better numbers, faster times, and a stronger mind.”

- M.C.