Discover how this skinny kid went from being the
+ how to train you from screening test to Operator
If you follow what the other trainees are doing, you will get the same results they have…
- Minimal results, confusion and self doubt.
THAT'S why there is nearly an 80% attrition rate at BUD/S.
But this does not need to be your story.
I built our training system for you - providing the ultimate roadmap to dominating any goal, even if you are just starting out, don't know where to begin, or are a seasoned athlete.
It's the same process that I refined and honed during my time as a BUD/S instructor and has helped transform the lives of hundreds of SEAL trainees.
The Warrior Calling training methodology is not some band-aid solution that only covers part of what's needed in your training and preparation.

It leaves no stone unturned
covering these four pillars of preparation:

It's a full system to help you:
- Pass the PST with top-tier scores (… even if you are stuck at a plateau now)
- Physically dominate at your pipeline (...without wondering if you are training too little or too much)
- Develop the mindset of a warrior (...that will go with you into your career as an operator and elite performer)
I will meet you where you are at in your current level of training and preparation - taking you to the next level and beyond what you imagine possible!
The principles aren't new. They've been honed and refined by years of real-world operating and elite training experience.
The way I implement them is specifically designed to help you prepare efficiently and effectively, taking a holistic approach to your preparation.
The recipe works... but it doesn't work for everyone. You must be:
- Willing and able to get out of your comfort zone
- Coachable and mature enough to learn from the best
- On this path to win at all cost - you are not here to try it out - you must be 100% committed
If this sounds like you then please proceed.

Ever tried to drive across the country
without a map, compass, or GPS?
That's how most men approach goals in life - lacking direction, preparation and clarity... and end up going in circles, most never reaching their final destination or achieving their purpose.
But you are different. You feel the calling as a warrior, driven to live a life full of purpose and impact.
But you also know that without direction or a roadmap to assist you in reaching your goals it is easy to get stuck or spin your wheels doing things that don't work, potentially overtraining, ending up injured, or finding that you never actually achieve your goal.

It's time to end the confusion and cut through the BS.
Here is what it would look like to work with me and my team of coaches in

- Customized fitness plan designed to get you results QUICKLY- this is not a cookie cutter, one size fits all program. Includes run plan to build mileage, swim progression, strength development, skillset, pool skills, rucking, calisthenics and screening test preparation
- Weekly Zoom mentoring calls with former SEAL operators, veteran DEVGRU operator, former Army Ranger and certified nutrition coach. No matter which SOF selection pipeline, our team has you covered
- App delivered online training academy- teaching you to “think like an operator” with over 20 hours of exclusive video training and mentoring lessons
- Direct access to our coaching team with private chat and one-on-one coaching calls plus weekly Zoom group calls
- Monthly in-person training events to help you level-up physically and mentally. This includes pool skills days, open water swim sessions, gym sessions, run events, movement clinics and more
- Access your customized fitness program using an app and receive weekly feedback from the coaching team on your lifting, calisthenics, swimming technique, pool skills and running form- helping you crush any fitness plateaus that you have now!
- Mental fortitude training on a weekly basis which includes cold water immersion training, breathing work, mindset techniques and mindfulness
- Accountability with coaches and the community of your warrior peers through “FireTeam” chats, supporting and challenging each other to be better daily

You will be coached by former Navy SEALS on elite performance tactics, leadership, accountability, fitness and mindset development. Your body and mind will be able to handle *any* challenge or obstacle - just like SEAL operators.
Master your fitness through strength and conditioning, endurance running, speed training, olympic weightlifting, kettlebell sessions, sandbag work, rope climbing, sidestroke and freestyle swimming, grinder PT calisthenics, and pool skill development.
We work with you 1:1 to prepare for SOF selection pipelines including BUD/S, SWCC, PJ, SF, Ranger, MARSOC, EOD, TACP, SARC, plus international SOF selection pipelines such as Frogman Corps. Additionally, we work with Public Service professionals who are looking for a new challenge and want to be a part of a warrior community where they will be pushed and prepared both physically and mentally. In short- we train warriors.

Click below and let's get clear direction on the path to your calling.
Genuinely worth everything
“A lot of “buy my program” products are worthless and a waste of time, energy and money but this program is genuinely worth everything. Better numbers, faster times, and a stronger mind.”
~ M.C.
The SEAL Ready Program has helped me out tremendously. The programming and the one-on-one mentorship was a game changer in my preparation and confidence
- K.A.
If you have any inclination to being a SEAL. Try this course. It’ll test you in almost every facet and most the time has an emphasis of suck. The guys are great and they’ll always be a shoulder for me to lean on.
- G.J.
Thanks to Joe and Chris for fostering a truly unique training program! Two guys who know what they’re doing and allow you to put your trust into and grow. This program helped me grow in many areas and I’m very thankful I did this on my journey to BUD/S.
- DJS.
This program changed me. I am more confident in myself and my abilities. I became unstoppable and am on a path to be able to accomplish any goal that I set out. This program changed my life. I am faster, stronger, and willing to go out and do anything no matter how difficult.
- M.F.
For me, it wasn't only about improving fitness. It was about finding better mindset work, better overall prep to training, and finding like minded people to go through this journey with. Chasing this dream has been all consuming for me, and I'm glad Joe was able to support me during it.
- C.V.
This program is the real deal! It takes more than training 3-5 times a week to get yourself ready for BUD/S. It's 12-weeks of putting in the work 6 days a week. The results speak for themselves. I doubled my pull-ups, took a minute off my 1-mile run, and added nearly 100 lbs to my deadlift. This program leaves no stone unturned. These coaches will get you ready for BUD/S!
- E.T.
Joe's programming is next level. He is constantly available and he designs your program based on your goals, fitness level, and ability. His coaching calls are awesome for developing your mindset and understanding your “why”. This program has been everything I hoped, and I’d recommend it to anyone looking to go into Special Forces
- N.G.
I truly would never have made progressions that I made without this program. I went from a 12:11 500 yard Combat Sidestroke to 6:35, push-ups went from 55 to 93, and pull-ups from 12 to 25. This program has truly helped me mentally and physically and I can’t thank the coaches enough for everything they have done and continue to do.
- T.E
A great program full of men and women who have been where you’re trying to go and have the information and expertise to really help you. They modify the program to fit your goals and offer an assortment of resources to help you answer any questions you may have on mindset, goal setting and creating a “why” to get you to and through whatever you’re wanting to accomplish.
- E.S.
This is a great program for those seek to become a SEAL and a better person, as everything it is not simple. It takes time and dedication but is honestly worth it all. I was able to overcome personal obstacles and do exercises I had struggled for years on my own.
- C.M.
This program is everything you could ask for in a SOF prep course. The coaching staff are experts in their fields and provide expert guidance throughout the program. My mental and physical endurance have come a long way. My 1-mile swim time went from 45:00 to 32:00 and my 4-mile run time went from 31:00 to 28:00. Overall workload capacity and energy have skyrocketed.
- D.P.
Coaching staff in the program is top tier. Coaches truly want the best for you not only in pipeline, but also in life. My running is the fastest it has ever been. I achieved my fastest mile time at 6:03 and dropped 3 minutes on 4-mile run times.
- N.W.
Joe is hands down one of the best former team guys out there helping to prepare the next generation for BUD/S. I've learned so much in the amount of time we've spoken, from our Zoom calls to the great communication we both had. Joe is extremely knowledgeable and creates a workout with purpose and benefit behind it. Really enjoyed this program and I already feel as if I'm ready to start day 1 week 1 and crush it.
- S.S.
Joe and Chris really both know their stuff when it comes to preparation for BUD/s. This program isn’t just designed to help you survive at BUD/s…it’s designed to help you WIN. You’ll not only be more confident at the end of this program but also more comfortable with the different aspects of training. It’s an honor to be mentored and trained by guys like these, guys that have been there and done that. Couldn’t have asked for a better program.
- J.O.
With the help of Joe and Chris I have come miles from where I started my journey. The workouts were tough and as time went on I saw the results get better and better. The calls and the conversations had the biggest impact for me. Having the opportunity to learn from guys who have been through the pipeline and in the teams is something you can’t price. I’m glad I went through the program and I'm looking forward to growing with my mentors in the future.
- C.W.P.
The program exceeded my expectations. I feel like Joe really focuses your training around you and your weaknesses and gives you the tools to improve on them. As long as you are willing to put in the work and challenge yourself you will see results. Training on my own was difficult on days I wasn’t feeling it. Having access to a group of like minded guys pushing and challenging each other gave me more motivation to get my training in everyday
- J.B.
This program is legit and truly pushes you to your limits, if you don’t half-ass it. If you want to find out what you are truly made of sign up for this program and don’t look back. If you truly want to accomplish your dream of becoming a Navy SEAL or what ever else your goals are you have to go all in or nothing, no matter what happens. Coach Joe and the other coaches will make sure that happens and hold you accountable.
- J.J-M.
This program is the real deal
“This program is the real deal, and honestly could not have helped me more in my journey to become a SEAL. I dropped my 4 mile timed run by over 6 minutes, and dropped over a minute off of my 500yd CSS. My PST numbers increased significantly, and nearly doubled my push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups. The mentors/coaches of this program have been there before and offer unbelievable mindset coaching and physical programming. They help take all of the guesswork out of what you are currently doing, and will get you prepared for your journey to become a SEAL.”
~ R.B.
Winning Is The Goal
"This program is everything candidates should be searching for. These are real men with real experiences, that are dedicated to the art of mentoring and coaching. They have uniquely designed the program to fit your personal needs in order to accomplish your fitness and mental growth goals. It felt like being back on a sports team where winning is the goal and every athlete is being groomed and trained to perform at the next level by two of the most elite coaches who have a desired interest to see you succeed."
~ H.M.
This program has put me on track to be the man that I've always wanted to become. My character has been tested and refined. I've seen some amazing physical improvements, and more importantly my mental game is much more sharp because of this program. From all the weekly private calls, to the group calls on Saturday's with the rest of the fellas, to the books I've read suggested by Joe, these have all helped shape me into a more selfless and confident young man. Perspective is the key to life, and this program has set me up for success to accomplish any goals I put my mind too. If I can finish this program, so can you. Cheers to the next generation of strong men
- L.E.
This program is a great start for anyone who has the desire to become a SEAL. These guys put in the work and have real life experience in the SEAL teams and this program is living proof that they have the knowledge and skillset to back up what they teach and expect you to know. I have the fastest CSS time that Joe has had since starting this program at 7 minutes and 26 seconds. I have 10+ years of swimming under my belt, but I never would have achieved this time without their guidance. I've never done the CSS before this program and they helped out a TON with weekly video form checks and pointers, Chris even sent himself doing the CSS so everyone could see how it was done properly!
- A.M.
This is probably the best program you can be in if you're wanting to go to BUD/S or any other SOF for that matter. The coaches have incredible knowledge on just about anything that pertains to the PST, training and the pipeline. Coach Joe and Chris bring their experiences they've gained over the several years of service in NSW and give it to us in a way we can understand and correctly apply while going through the course. Not only do you get physically trained but you are also mentally trained to overcome any mental roadblock, build mental toughness and confidence needed in BUD/S.. If you're looking for one of the best, This is it.
- C.B.
This program is the real deal, and honestly could not have helped me more in my journey to become a SEAL. I dropped my 4 mile timed run by over 6 minutes, and dropped over a minute off of my 500yd CSS. My PST numbers increased significantly, and nearly doubled my push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups. The mentors/coaches of this program have been there before and offer unbelievable mindset coaching and physical programming. They help take all of the guesswork out of what you are currently doing, and will get you prepared for your journey to become a SEAL.
- R.B.
This program is everything candidates are or should be searching for. These are real men with real experience that have dedicated themselves to the art of mentoring/coaching. They have uniquely designed the program to fit your personal needs in order to accomplish your fitness and mental growth goals. I’ve done other training programs but this one by far is the most personal it felt like being back on a sports team where winning is the goal and every athlete is being groomed/trained to perform at the next level by two of the most elite coaches who have a desired interest to see you succeed and I’d say that alone separates this from all other programs!
- H.M.
The best teachers are the ones who have had experience in their field, not the classroom. All the coaches here at the Warrior Calling are professionals and want success for all their candidates with real world experience. They have helped me realize my weaknesses and what I need to work on mentally and physically to prep for BUD/S training. I have drastically gotten stronger and faster in all aspects of weight lifting and calisthenics thanks to this program and if it wasn't for contacting coach Joe and Chris when I felt like I was at a roadblock in my personal training, I wouldn't be physically and mentally prepared for any sort of Special Ops training. This program works, is the real deal, and there are plenty of other people that would agree that have gone through it as well. Do not hesitate and make sure to contact Coach Joe and Coach Chris if you are thinking of Special Ops training and wanting to pass your PST and selection.
- C.Y.
This program should be mandatory for anyone serious about going into a SOF pipeline. The workouts are extremely thorough and each day serves a purpose. The coaches identify your weaknesses and make those a priority in your workouts. The three phone calls a week are also incredible. I particularly enjoy the Frogman Friday calls. Former SEALs run the call and they give their perspective on training, life in the teams, and examples from their time being BUDs instructors. Training for BUD/S is daunting and this program streamlines everything you need to know. Just show up everyday and put in the work. This program works if you do
- H.C.
This program is a reality check. Coming into the program I was nervous, I was anxious, and I felt I needed more time before I started this program. Joe guided me on the right path and told me let's get this started the right way. Ever since I started the program Joe's been a huge mentor. Being in a group of men with all-around talent makes you hungrier, makes you put in not only 100% effort but 10% more than what you thought it was gonna be. Coming into the program I struggled and was always sore but always pushed through the workouts. It was a reality check. I made a lot of sacrifices and put this program and my training 1st. I locked in for 12 weeks and the results payed off. My 500 yard swim at the start of the program was 10:26. I've dropped my time to an 8:56 just off of form. It just goes to show the little details Joe and the coaches emphasize. If your looking to be an elite athlete and be apart of a special group of individuals this program is for you!
- T.D.
I started this program coming in with scores just above "passing" and now exit three months later with scores that can secure me a contract. This program has every base covered, ranging from CSS and running form critiques, all the way to diet plans and mindset exercises. This program has helped my confidence immensely in my preparation and understanding of just how much you need to train prior to showing up at BUD/S. I feel this program left no stone unturned, and I watched my transformation happen all within the blink of an eye. The bottom line is that these coaches all know what they're talking about and have the credentials to back it up. They tell you how it is, and ultimately give you the choice to either better yourself or continue with the excuses. I can guarantee you there's no better mentorship and program out there for BUD/S training. Hand's down one of the best decisions I ever made!
- L.T.
This program is for those of you that want your workouts curated for you by former SEAL's. It provides a structure with three pillars: training, nutrition and mentality. Each as important as the last. You will get access to a community of others working to become better people and operators in the future. If you want a structured way to improve, this program is for you.
- M.L.
Thank you for everything this program did wonders for me mentally and physically. It taught me to not rely on athleticism, but rather discipline and consistency when it came to my training. The coaches quickly taught me all the tools it takes to execute at the highest level whether it be breathing, mobility or diet. Once implemented properly I started recovering faster and performing better. I’m grateful to have been apart of the SEAL Ready Program and I know it will pay dividends in this next chapter I’m about to embark on.
- C.P.
“The greatest thing I did for myself in preparation for BUDS was commit myself to this program. I have found no other way to get the correct information on what needs to be done if you want to be successful at buds or anything in life. My pst went from 25+ minute swim, 35 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 12 pull-ups, 10:04 run. It is now 12:46 swim, 57 push-ups, 68 sit ups, 15 pull-ups, and 10:56 run. But the main difference in those two scores is the fact that the first time I did it I was so sore I couldn’t function the rest of the week, now when I complete it I’m anxious and physically ready for the next workout session that day. I was entirely incompetent in the water until I started the program. On day one I was terrified to swim 50 meters. Now 1-mile swims are an easy day.”
- J.H.
“All my previously listed strength numbers went up drastically. My new PST score is miles better than the one I had at the beginning of the program; I'm a lot more comfortable swimming in the water now than I was (1-mile open ocean swims, CSS, etc) My run times also improved across the board. TWC is a fantastic program for those seeking expert guidance toward becoming a Navy SEAL. It covers all the necessary physical prep areas but also touches on building up the mental side of things. The resources provided for me were invaluable; I know I will return to them and use them in the future. I would consider myself far more prepared and better trained than ever when attempting to figure it all out independently—a total game changer.”
- W.C.A.
“In the beginning of this program, I was running & swimming sub 11 minutes, and just barely hitting the minimum standards on calisthenics for the PST. After the 12-week program, my latest PST scores were: 8:23 swim, 102 push-ups, 90 sit-ups, 20 pull-ups, and 9:05 run. What truly sets this program apart from any other SOF prep program is the coaching staff’s knowledge and dedication to helping you reach your goals!”
- V.L.
“This is a life changing program. Coming in to the program, the coaches first find a baseline to start at with you. They are very flexible and understanding with people’s schedules and lifestyle, so no matter what your days look like, they will design your training regimen specifically for YOU. I was also not able to pass a Naval Special Warfare PST prior to training, it is your ticket into any pipeline you desire in NSW. I can now pass a PST with with 500 yard CSS: 10:07, Push-ups: 82, Sit-ups: 72, Pull-ups: 24, Run: 9:24.”
- A.C.
This program has most notably given me insight into both the coaches and other trainees perspectives on both mental and physical preparation. The program is demanding and requires a strong commitment, but pays off if you put in the effort to get outside your comfort zone and push yourself. I was able to drop my 4-mile run time from 31:32 to 28:06 thanks to the running tips from the coaches and the consistent training that they put me through.
- I.O.
This program exceeded my expectations. Seeing my progress from the physical programming alone would have been worth it, but I was mind blown with how well the coaches can help develop an unbreakable mindset. They’ll provide you with everything you need to win from something as simple as breathing, to your CSS form, you just have to put in the work. Being able to compete with others chasing the same goal was the push I needed to assess where I’m at and improve any weaknesses. Having former SEALS, BUD/S Instructors, future BUD/S candidates, a nutritionist- as well as being assigned a swim buddy for extra motivation was a huge help for success. Everyone holds you accountable and truly wants the best for you. I couldn’t be more grateful to have had this opportunity and been given that upper edge on anyone who is trying to become an operator without going through this program.
- A.T.
"This program showed me the commitment it takes to train for Special Operations Selection. While it seemed daunting at first, I grew and changed and learned more about myself in the process. Joe and Chris are great guys that want nothing more than for all of us to be successful and it shows in their commitment to our goals.”
- R.O.
After completing the 10-week course with Coach Joe I have gained a newfound confidence in my ability to achieve the physical and mental readiness necessary for BUD/S. With an abundance of information out there pertaining to special operations preparedness, it can seem difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. I know this better than most as I spent months training without specific goals in mind, let alone a plan to help me attain those goals. As a result, I consistently failed to make the progress I wanted to. The SEAL ready program helps you to identify your specific goals and then provides a roadmap for achieving them. Throughout the course, you'll receive feedback and guidance with your own personalized training program to address areas that you need improvement on in your preparation for BUD/S or any other special operations pipeline. During the 10-week course, I dropped 4 minutes from my 4-mile run and completed my first 500 yard swim in under 9 minutes despite having very little prior experience with the CSS. If you want a training methodology that is going to take you to the next level of BUD/S preparation, I cannot recommend this program enough
- E.B.
The Warrior Calling training approach and methodology
was born out of personal struggle and experience.
I was a skinny kid and labeled a nerd growing up. I was kicked off the football team and beat up by bullies growing up.
And yet I felt called to live a life of massive purpose and impact...I knew I had a long way to go.
I left home when I was 18 years old and went ALL IN on my physical preparation.
I spent everything I had on my fitness preparation, water confidence training and running endurance - but something just wasn't clicking…
Was it the methods I was taught?
Was I not cut out to be a SEAL?
…was it just me?

Felt called to serve and to serve with the best operators in the world.
But I knew if I couldn't figure it out fast, I would have to give up - I was far from being prepared.
I felt like a failure.
The steps seemed so simple:
- Run, swim and perform calisthenics
- Eat lots of food and get enough sleep
- Complete a PST, arrive at BUD/S, and just never quit

At least that's what all the books and online gurus said to do...
But somehow my training just didn't seem to be getting me anywhere and I never knew if I was doing too little or too much in my preparation.
To make it even more confusing, I saw others who were outwardly training harder than me still struggle and not make it through BUD/S selection.
I was supposed to see progress… but I was hardly moving forward in my strength and endurance. I felt like a failure.
It had been a year since I started training hard and I was barely able to pass the Navy SEAL PST.
I was not afraid to work hard.
But, I'd been doing everything they told me to do, and it just was not working.
I knew that I was called to live a life of impact and purpose but I felt like I was spinning my wheels in my training and going in circles.
And yet, I continued to be plagued with self doubt..
What if I can't do this?
What if I'm not good enough?
What if I fail?
I couldn't go back to living a life of indirection and mediocrity.
That would kill me.
I knew that I needed to take my training and preparation to the next level.
It was time to level up.

Through three years of personal struggle and growth I began to learn how important it was to take a holistic approach to training.
I learned the power of combining mental fortitude development with physical challenges as a key aspect of elite performance training. It wasn't just building my mind or my body - they were both equally essential in forging an unbeatable mind and body to dominate the path in front of me.
My training took on a whole new dimension and I saw incredible progress as I neared my ship date. My PST scores reached above optimum levels, I was crushing open water swims, my endurance reached new heights, I was dialed in mentally, and my confidence was through the roof. I was as ready as I would ever be.
After going through a winter Hell Week and completing BUD/S, I graduated SEAL Qualification Training in 2008 and headed to my first SEAL Team. I went on to serve around the world as a SEAL operator for over a decade, including 4 years as a BUD/S instructor.

As a BUD/S instructor, I witnessed the transformation process of trainees into SEALS and personally mentored over 300 SEAL candidates. I mastered the nuances of what it takes to make it through the toughest military training pipeline in the world and what it takes to perform at your peak as an elite operator. Helping people become the warriors they are meant to be became the core of my life's purpose - particularly as I left active duty service.
To be honest, I was not initially planning on becoming a full time coach and mentor following my military career - but I found myself continually drawn back to the community. People were reaching out to me for help in their training..and I knew I could help - regardless of where they were coming from - be it skinny, overweight, bullied or feeling lost. I was sick of seeing solid candidates not reach their full potential and quitting on themselves.

I built a groundbreaking training system designed to help people find their physical fitness baseline, discover their weaknesses, harness the power of grit, build mental fortitude, overcome limiting beliefs, smash through training plateaus, and develop the necessary skill sets required to not just survive but to perform at BUD/S or any other elite SOF pipeline for that matter.
That is what The Warrior Calling is all about. Results driven elite performance. Helping you serve at your highest and peak version of yourself. It's about the warrior's calling.
I have helped over 200 men and women train for elite performance- including BUD/S, SWCC, EOD, SARC, Ranger, Special Forces, CTT, PJ, Denmark Frogman Corps, firefighters, police officers + others seeking to become the absolute best version of themselves.
Will you be next?
More Results
Be trained one-on-one
by former SEAL operators and BUD/S instructors -
building your body to reach top-tier fitness and preparing you physically to face any challenge.

Develop the mental fortitude and confidence to overcome ANY obstacle - whether it's Hell Week at BUD/S or landing your dream job - we help you develop your greatest asset: your mind.